Thursday, October 22, 2009

295 Thursday, October 22, 2009

295 Job 23 – 25; Matthew 18.21 – 18.35

My complaint is legitimate, so says Job. It sure looks that way to me. However, I'm not God. There are three conversations happening here in this story. We have what Job is saying and then what the three amigos are saying, but the one that matters is God's conversation that you don't always have on each page. God will chime in and then everyone is silenced. Job had bought in to the idea that if you live a righteous life then all will be well. A life blessed by God in all ways especially without pain. That idea was now destroyed and he was defending his position. Useless, but we all learn a lot from him. What have you bought into as to whether or not God is blessing your life? This is very important point. Really think it through.

I'll forgive but there has to be limit--come on! How about 70 times 7. We want to drink the poison of bitterness and pray that the other person gets sick. Forgiveness is as much or more for the forgiver as it is for the other person. Let it go--forgiveness is for giving away!

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