Saturday, April 4, 2009

094 Saturday, April 4, 2009

094 Judges 19 – 21; Mark 12

You thought the horses head in the bed of his owner was bad in The Godfather and then you read the Bible. He cut this woman up in twelve pieces and shipped her out to the twelve tribes asking for justice. Justice finally came as the Israelites gathered before God asking for direction. The justice that God brought had to do with the tribe of Benjamin and them getting wiped out. The heartache is that it is the people of God killing off the people of God. This is supposed to be a nation that reflects the character and mission of God. They are killing each other. Insane! No leadership. No awareness of sin. It is nasty. The church is the body of Christ. We must be careful how we treat each other for the world is watching.

Find the main thing and then keep the main thing, the main thing. The most important commandment is to love God and to love others as we love ourselves. If you lose your way today, remember the main thing. It is simple but profound.

Friday, April 3, 2009

093 Friday, April 3, 2009

093 Judges 17 & 18; Mark 11

People did whatever they felt like doing. Did you read that this morning or at another time? Did you focus on it and bring it in to our times? This is the problem of every generation of every nation. People like making things up for their convenience. Micah had a private chapel and ordained one of his sons to be a priest. This had nothing to do with Yahweh worship. But just in case he doesn't have all the bases covered he hires a Levite to be his personal priest. Things are good or so they seem at this unbelievable, dysfunctional family's house.
Then along came the spies from the tribe of Dan and everything changes. The tribe of Dan with 600 warriors, hire away the "priest" and take all the idols. The tribe with the back slid priests blessings go and kill off a peaceful city who had no treaties with another nation or tribe. They were a sitting duck for this group of takers. Israel was in a moral tail spin. A few victories can give one a false impression that God is with you and that is not the case in these chapters; God was far from them.

In Mark we are back to Palm Sunday. People giving Jesus the praise He deserves but for the wrong reasons--Hosanna--save us now. Yes Christ is coming to save, but it is not political salvation but salvation of our diseased souls. Thank God for sending his son to save us from our sin. Thank Him today and the rest of the week especially in light of the moral bankruptcy of Israel that is on display in the book of Judges.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

092 Thursday, April 2, 2009

092 Judges 15 & 16; Mark 10.35 - 10.52

Relationships can kill you. Books are written about people who became friends with and then are used by people who are "takers" and not "givers." Israel was given a land that was inhabited by tribes of people who were "takers." These people were idol worshipers which is a form of self worship because the idols are made with their hands. They wanted nothing to do with Yahweh. The sad problem is to see judges, leaders of Israel to behave no better than the people they were commanded to throw out. This is Samson. Samson had issues with the opposite sex and it was his downfall. He told Delilah his secret and he was captured. All he had to do was marry an Israelite. But no, he had to be a taker. Solomon and even his dad were takers. Israel's downfall in the end was that they turned out to be takers.

A man once told me there are only two camps and they are givers and takers. Which camp are you in right now? I believe it is the battle. God is a giver and sin is all about taking what is rightfully God's. In the book of Romans we find out we are glory hogs. We are to give God all the glory.

Oh my! Now we turn to Mark and two of the disciples are wanting the highest places of honor. Jesus sets the record straight about the high places of honor they are reserved for the best givers. They are reserved for the best servants. You want to be great? Then be a servant of all. The next time someone treats you like a servant, respond like one.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

090 Tuesday March 31, 2009

090 Judges 13 – 14; Mark 10.1 – 10.34

Mr. Israel is what people called him because he was “the bomb” when it came to strength. His real name was Samson. Yes, Israel was in trouble again and God helps by helping Manoah's wife to have a baby. The baby is to be a Nazirite from birth for he will grow up to be Israel's deliverer. Samson was born for a purpose. You are born for a purpose as well.

God was using Samson to confound and defeat the Philistines. Each time Samson went to fight them the Scriptures tell us that the Spirit of God came upon him in a mighty way. The key to Samson's strength was not his ability but God's power. The key for victory for every Christian is to deeply understand we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. What Philistine are facing today? this week? Know that God can give you the victory because Christ lives in you by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Good teacher, what must I do to get eternal life? Don't you wish you got more of those kinds of questions? The answer that Jesus gives is not from any text book that I have ever read. I do believe that in the context, Jesus who could read hearts (we can't) knew what was blocking him from the truth. So, Jesus went to the issue at hand. The disciples were blown away by His answer and further explained that with God all things are possible even getting people into heaven who think they have everything. Don't give up people for all things are possible with God our Savior.

Monday, March 30, 2009

089 Monday, March 30, 2009

089 Judges 10 – 12; Mark 9.2 – 9.5

Remember the pattern that is through out the book of Judges. The people of God disobey the Lord, God then disciplines them (they are placed in distressful situations), they then call upon God to help (they repent), and then God sends a rescuer to deliverer. Listen to these heart breaking words, "And the people of Israel went back to doing evil in God's sight." God had it written down in no uncertain terms about how to worship Him. What does Israel keep doing? They go after other gods, in this case Baal gods. What were they thinking? They call upon God, cleanse the temple of foreign gods and worshiped only God. Who is God going to raise up to fight on Israel's behalf? A son of a whore is who God is going to use. You have to be out of your ever living, loving mind if you think the people saw this coming. Jephthah's half brothers had kicked him out of the house. God had given him a talent for fighting. The ones who helped kick him out came to him for help. God gave Jephthah victory and he ruled for six years. We have to be careful in our assessment of people because we never know who God may be raising up to be a leader in God's company.

Jesus reveals His real colors for Peter, James, and John. The Mt. of transfiguration is what many call this event. Heaven touched earth because Elijah and Moses were on the scene with Jesus at this moment and they were in a deep conversation with Jesus. There are angels among us. We live in the supernatural realm. God is real and His words are true. Perhaps we should practice this week being children of faith. We should be little children and just reach out to God and believe Him!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

088 Sunday, March 29, 2009

088 Judges 7 – 9; Mark 8.1 – 9.1

I hope you are enjoying the reading of the Scriptures these past few days.

You are going into battle and your commander and chief lets you know you have too many troops. Gideon went into battle with 300 men and destroyed 120 companies of soldiers. Why? Why would God choose to use less rather than more? God knew the hearts of men and told Gideon that if a large number troops went into battle that the Israelite soldiers would take the credit. God was trying to teach His people about faith in Yahweh. It is not about our resources but it is God's resources. Do you have faith in the Lord Almighty? What or where is God testing your faith? Lean into the Lord, He will not fall or fail you.

Feeding on faith is where the lord is constantly bringing us. It is not easy but what else are we to do? In the end we only have the Lord and the mustard seed of faith. How much bread do you have? Jesus is getting ready to prepare a meal for only 4000 this time. What you have, throw it in a pot, and begin serving. Yes, the gifts, talents, abilities, finances, and the networks that you have--throw it all in the pot and begin serving. See what the Lord can do with our little pot of stuff--you will stand amazed!