Friday, January 2, 2009
003 Saturday, January 3, 2009
God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil, lived evil--evil, evil, evil from morning to night. This verse sits in judgment over all of mankind. We sometimes want to make people’s hearts a little better than they really are in reality. It grieved God that those whom he had made were hurting themselves and those around them. In Jeremiah, we find these words; that the heart is wicked and deceitful above all things who can know it. God destroyed everyone except for Noah and his family. Now you take these words that John spoke of Jesus where it is said that many entrusted their lives to him. But Jesus didn't entrust his life to them. He knew them inside and out...what did he know then that is true today? Jesus knew that all have sinned. Jesus knew what His Father knew, that people have an addiction to having it their way. Go to Jesus and have a heart check up. Ask God to show you your blind spots--to show you those things that are covered up. This kind of check up should be daily. If you want to go deeper, ask some close friends about your blind spots and then listen.
1 John 1:9 Jesus forgives you and will give you mercy, grace, and strength for today and the future.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
002 Friday, January 2, 2009
"You Won’t Die” is probably one of the most damning lies ever fabricated by the evil one! God has created us and breathed life into us. Boundaries were set on how to lead this perfect life in a perfect environment ~ don’t eat of this tree or you will die. Physical, emotional, and spiritual death would come upon all mankind is what God was saying to Adam and Eve. The good life, as God intended it for His creation, would be over! “You won’t die” was believed instead of believing the truth that God had set before His new creation.
In John, you read that John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the Savior- our Messiah. Jesus, the Son of God, had come and was revealing the truth about God. This is why Jesus would say, “Come follow me.” Come to the truth, come to the light, come away from destruction and come to life – come to me.
The lie of this age is surely this is not the Son of God. Have you believed a lie recently? Have you believed a lie about our Savior, Jesus Christ? It seems that most of life is sorting out the lies of the world and clinging to the truth of God in Christ.
Make it your goal today to do some good evaluation of your belief about Christ and ask yourself: “Do I really believe who Jesus Christ says He is?” If so, then follow Him with all your heart.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day 001 Thursday, January 1, 2009
As you know, today’s scripture reading included the first two chapters of Genesis and the first chapter of John. After you have read the scripture, here is a devotional thought I would like you to reflect upon.
God is the Maker of Heaven and Earth. God is also the Maker of our way back to Himself. In Genesis, the first couple of chapters we find that God is powerful, God is good, and God is creative. In the first chapter of John we find His power and creativity come through His son, Jesus Christ.
What do you need from God for 2009?
He is creatively powerful, and just as He made a way to heaven through His Son, God can also make a way for you in 2009.
Perhaps you need a way for a better marriage, a way to communicate better with your children, or you may need a way to use your time, talents, and treasures with a future investment in mind. Maybe you need a way to make your prayer life more effective. Perhaps you need a way to reach people for Jesus Christ, or possibly God is speaking to you about starting a Bible study.
My closing thought for you:
Our powerfully, creative, and good God wants to be creatively powerful in and through you to do good in 2009.
Matthew 4:4 (MSG)