Tuesday, June 2, 2009

153 Tuesday, June 2, 2009

153 Isaiah 034 – 035; Luke 11.29 – 11.54

God is a God of wrath and of anger. God's anger and wrath are based upon a holy and just character. Anyone can be angry and be angry for all the wrong reasons, this is not the case with God. God is angry with His children, but they are His children. God has even more anger toward the enemies of Israel. Notice how the prophecy gives the bad news and then talks about streams in the desert, a new song, and a holy highway that is exclusively for God's people. On the holy highway God's people will be safe from harm. For today's Christian we follow the one who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.." we will experience harm but it is temporary and our reward is in heaven. In heaven we will be on that holy highway where no harm will ever come upon us again.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful truths you have for me. Jesus talks about light that should not be hidden and then for us to open our eyes so the light can enter our soul. A lot of darkness in this world, however the darker the world the brighter our lights can shine. Let God's light capture you and those around you. Let it shine, let it shine, I’m gonna let my light shine!!

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