Monday, June 1, 2009

152 Monday, June 1, 2009

152 Isaiah 031 – 033; Luke 11.1 – 11.28

How can we get right? How can we survive this judgment? Isaiah answers this question that probably was whispered throughout the neighborhoods of Israel. Israel was justifying what they had done and could not conjure up any reason for them being judged in the first place-- they had done right in their own eyes. Isaiah gives them the answer on pg. 749, " The answer is simple: Live right, speak the truth, despise exploitation, refuse bribes, reject violence, avoid evil amusements. This is how you raise the standard of living." I see these words and it is still good and sound wisdom for today. Do we want to raise the standard of living then we must raise our standards. Israel had great standards given to them, but they corrupted those standards and began to make it up on the fly. Beware of those who begin to hedge on the truth.

Teach us to pray. When the disciples asked the Lord Jesus this question we received what many call the Lord's prayer, and others call the disciples prayer--since Jesus was teaching them how to pray. I am old fashion in that I don't like the message's translation of this prayer, however it gives us some insight we normally would not have. Break this prayer down and see if you have the same elements in your prayer life as this prayer.

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