Monday, February 15, 2010

How can a loving and merciful God get so mad? I like Stott's insight into God's wrath that it is not like us humans who tend to fly off the handle. God has not lost His temper. God is revealing His wrath against people who know better. They suppress the truth in wickedness. One thing I have really come to terms with is that God is not going to judge anyone that does not deserve it. Everyone is made in the image of God and they can see all that is around them. They are connecting the dots, but do not want to admit the "crisis of belief" that would incur if they went with what their heart was telling them. We know better and still go our own pitiful way--anyways. They knew God and would not give God the credit. We must be careful of the same thing except in a different vein. When we know God has spoken to us and is redirecting our lives we must not hold back from the Lord. We must give Him the glory and have faith that leads to proper action.

Remember reading the book of Romans over and over again is one of the goals. Make sure you are picking out some verses to memorize. God bless you all.

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