Tuesday, September 22, 2009

265 Tuesday, September 22, 2009

265 Psalms 098 – 102; Matthew 002

The world is a twisted, dark, and raging place to dwell. Perhaps, in your world it's not that bad, but travel just a bit and you will see hopelessness in millions of faces. We need a Savior! We need hope! We need someone to come and straighten out this mess! In Psalm 98 we read these hope-filled words, "A tribute to God when he comes, when he comes to set the earth right. He'll straighten out the whole world, He'll put the world right, and everyone in it." Yes, way back in the O.T. the prophets, the priests, and kings who walked with God knew another day was to come, a day of the Lord. The day of the Lord will be like no other day. It is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is our hope for this broken old world. It is the hope for the Middle East, for Africa, India, dark Europe, and for the millions in China. It is your hope!!! This is not paradise no matter how many palm trees you plant in the yard. So come Lord Jesus, come!

Imagine, you are born and immediately you are hunted to be killed. Without uttering a word or doing any deed, you are such a threat. People already want you dead. Jesus was that baby. Jesus was and still is a threat to the whole world’s power structure and the security found in that structure. Jesus is the answer for the world’s problems, but that means changing the way we view ourselves and those around us. The power structure needs to be set up to serve mankind, not itself. The whole world has to be put upside right. That is not going to happen until Jesus comes back on a white horse wielding a sword, not a cross. He came to teach us and die for us the first time. When He comes back the teaching is over, for He will come to overthrow the whole system, not give it instructions. So come Lord Jesus, come!

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