Saturday, September 5, 2009

248 Saturday, September 5, 2009

248 Psalms 051; 1 Timothy 001

Well, well, well King David what have you been up to? The hero has fallen to a beauty named Bathsheba and now Nathan the prophet has to go and confront him. David did more than commit adultery, in trying to cover up the affair, he then committed murder. This Psalm is the heart of a person who has truly repented. One of the reasons David could repent so well is because he knew God so well. He starts out, "Generous in love---God, give grace! Huge in mercy---wipe out my bad record." You can truly turn around when you know you will be received with open arms. Here is a great request from David: "Bring me back from gray exile, put fresh wind in my sails! Give me a job teaching rebels your ways so the lost can find their way home." David has been through some deep waters and of his own choosing and now he wants to help other wayward people. God can use anything in our life to lift up the Lord and Christ's ways. Let Him!

Paul was great at developing leaders around him. He was not perfect since we know of those who deserted him just as Judas betrayed Jesus. In these next letters we get see some of Paul's ways in helping bring leaders along. Paul teaches humility by pointing out that his calling is by the grace of God, since at one time he was the chief of sinners by persecuting the church. Paul also points out that the teaching of the Gospel must be done in love. The reason he was bringing up love and humility to Timothy is to help Timothy with those who come along and challenge the teachings of the Gospel. Timothy must be firm, but it must be done in love and humility.

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