Saturday, August 15, 2009

227 Saturday, August 15, 2009

227 Haggai 001 – 002; Ephesians 005

Approximately seventy years has passed since the Temple had been torn down. Haggai is the prophet appointed to address this pressing issue of rebuilding the Temple. Haggai as the other prophets does not mince words. He points out that the people are saying it is not time to rebuild the temple but it is okay for them to have fancy homes--ouch. Like a laser beam he calls attention to their lifestyle and how much they have and how unsatisfied they are on the inside. Message: quit spending your money on your stuff and let's build the Temple. The "point people" to rebuild the Temple are Zerubbabel and Joshua. Haggai spoke to them and they paid attention and in so doing honored God. God then lead Haggai to speak to the people to let them know God will be with them in this important endeavor. Where's the money going to come from?--"I own the silver, I own the gold, Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies." God blessed the people for following His word and the Temple was on its way to being rebuilt.

The highlight in Ephesians is the reminder that we need to be controlled by God's Spirit. God has not left us to our own devices to figure out how this Christian walk works. God has placed Himself in us by placing His Spirit in us. Ask God now to fill you with His Spirit and to take control of more than the day but the affections of your heart.

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