Friday, August 14, 2009

226 Friday, August 14, 2009

226 Zephaniah 001 – 003; Ephesians 004

Idol worship is the human being in control. If god is in this box, or statue in the corner then in the end I'm in control. Israel, in order to gain control, had to place God in a box. Zephaniah is preaching and says to those, "Who think 'God doesn't do anything, good or bad. He isn't involved, so neither are we.' " A person becomes what they believe about the thing or one they worship. Israel was supposed to be becoming like Yahweh. They chose instead to become more like themselves--not good.

In Ephesians Paul is letting the believers know that just because he is in jail does not mean they slack off. They are to go for it. Pour yourselves out in acts of love. So? There are Jews and Gentiles in this church and there is a little wall built up of animosity. The answer to this wall of animosity is to understand that God has made all believers; one in love is the answer. Next Paul stresses the new life in Christ. The old has to go and let the new grow. For us today let us propose to let the old go and to let the new grow.

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