Sunday, July 12, 2009

193 Sunday, July 12, 2009

193 Ezekiel 004 – 006; Acts 13.1 – 13.14

When you read the major and minor prophets one thing has to continually be on your mind, they are writing to a nation. Israel was a nation set up by Yahweh to reveal the glory of God. God's glory was to be revealed by Israel in everything they did. Their justice system, their diet, their care for each other and the foreigner, how they worshiped, even how they were to win their battles against other nations were ways God's glory could be revealed. The book of Acts is the transition book from nation to church. It is about the acts of the Holy Spirit in and through the Apostles and the church. It reveals that the Spirit is no longer just coming down on kings, priests and prophets, but is coming down on all flesh. This is the church age not the chosen nation age. This is the age of God's grace opening up to all people in every tongue and color. The prophets had to say quite a bit to Israel because they were a nation representing God in every detail of life. Israel more or less had blown it in every detail. They had totally wiped out.

How many ways do you have to tell someone they have blown it? Jonah went to Nineveh and said judgment is coming, repent! They did. This is the third major prophet and God is using Ezekiel in a different way than He used Isaiah and Jeremiah. Ezekiel becomes the sermon in these chapters as God is trying to illustrate to His chosen people that their sin is serious. The reason so many words and warnings are used is that Israelites are God's children and He wants them to honor and obey him. Instead they mock Yahweh with their words and disobedience. They are so in denial that they do not see what they are doing as sin. God is dealing with a nation addicted to sin. God is trying to wake them up! He is trying to get them off the juice.

In this chapter is a great example of the Holy Spirit working in and through the Apostles and the church. Barnabas and Paul are at the church in Antioch fasting and praying. God speaks to the church about sending Paul and Barnabas to a special work. This type of thing could of never happened in the O.T.. What is God saying to you? What is God saying to our church?

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