Monday, November 2, 2009

306 Monday, November 2, 2009

306 Proverbs 13 – 15; Matthew 25.1 – 25.30

"A God-loyal life keeps you on track; sin dumps the wicked in the ditch." In more ways than one this proverb may some up the whole book of Proverbs. Perhaps the hardest thing the human has to do is to stay on track. There are so many distractions, detractors, and infiltrators that to actually stay on track for a long period of time is almost a modern day miracle. That is why the writer also says "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, so, no more drinking from death-tainted waters." Be careful of where you drink and what you drink. We seem to be hyper-sensitive to the water we drink, but what about the stuff that gets into our heads and hearts? The real pollution in the world is in the world of ideas. What ideas are floating around in your head that are not from the fountain of life? Dump them now!!

God wants us to be like the wise virgins and the good investors. The wise virgins had oil in their lamps and they were ready to go. The foolish virgins were not ready--are you ready for Christ's return? The good investors took what the master had given them and immediately put it to work so there would be more. The one who had taken the talents and hid them so he could return them to the master, lost out big time. The others were rewarded for what they had done with their talents. Are you ready for Christ's return and in the meantime are you investing in God's work?

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