Thursday, August 6, 2009

218 Thursday, August 6, 2009

218 Amos 007 – 009; Acts 026

Amos, just a country boy, who was not a preacher, nor the son of a preacher, was set apart for God's purpose of speaking to Israel. Amos saw a vision of a plumb line in the midst of Israel. God was measuring them according to a benchmark, a standard. There has always been a standard. When someone says that is better than that, then they have started the journey of going to the standard. C.S. Lewis makes this case in his book ‘Mere Christianity’.

Amos reports to Israel that God is going to keep track of their every sin. That's not good. There are many things I want God to keep track of, but that is not one of them. Until we realize how familiar God is with our sin we will never appreciate the depths of His forgiveness.

Amos then lets Israel know about the coming famine. Here is the catch to the famine, "It won't be food or water that's lacking, but my word." What's more important, God's Word or the bread on the table? The book that nurtures and guides us for eternity or food that gets us through the temporal--what is it?

You had to ask--that's what the guards are thinking about King Agrippa asking Paul for his testimony. Paul unloaded with both barrels. It is fun to read because he really goes for it. When was the last time you went for it with someone? You laid out the gospel and nothing but the gospel. Just do it.

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