Saturday, June 20, 2009

171 Saturday, June 20, 2009

171 Jeremiah 006 – 008; Luke 023

For review, let us remember that the country of Israel has been divided into two countries. In the north there were twelve tribes and in the south there were two tribes. In the south which was called Judea was the city of Jerusalem. In the city of Jerusalem was the temple of the Lord in which dwelled the presence of God. I believe that God’s people in general had a hard time believing that God would actually discipline them by sending a heathen country into their land to conquer them. If the overall mood was that of God would never do such a thing then can you imagine what the people in Jerusalem thought? We have the temple and the temple priest. We are protected by the ritual and the regiment. Here was their attitude revealed in these words. Jeremiah 6:10 (MSG)
10 "I've got something to say. Is anybody listening? I've a warning to post. Will anyone notice? It's hopeless! Their ears are stuffed with wax— deaf as a post, blind as a bat. It's hopeless! They've tuned out God. They don't want to hear from me.
Jerusalem had turned into a city of brutality. The name Jerusalem means a city of peace. It had changed and no one was listening to the one person who was speaking truth. May God give us ears to hear and a heart to follow after Him.

We find Jesus being brought up on trumped up charges. They brought in liars to go against Jesus. Pilate who was a politician saw that this was a no win situation for him so he did his best to wash his hands of the matter. From that point on it became mob justice. The crowd cried out for Christ’s execution and they got what they wanted. They killed the son of God. They murdered God! We read about God’s people not listening to the prophets who were only trying to help. Then God sent His son and they not only did not listen they shut him up by crucifying Him. Wow! How is it that God still loves us? I hope you believe in grace and mercy because if it were not for His mercy and grace we would be so done.

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