Sunday, June 7, 2009

158 Sunday June 7, 2009

158 Isaiah 042 – 043; Luke 014

Throughout the book of Isaiah two servants are on display. The one servant is the servant who will suffer for our sins. The other servant is this servant in Isaiah 42, the ruling servant. Both advents are revealed in Isaiah. Many scholars believe the reason many of the Pharisees missed who Jesus was because of their misunderstanding of the book of Isaiah. They were looking for the ruling Jesus, but first the suffering Christ had to come in order to take care of our sin. Many people want the crown without the cross. People want to rule without paying the price.

I love the phrase, "You've seen a lot, but looked at nothing. You've heard everything, but listened to nothing." I think if that was true for the Israelites of that day, then how true could it be for us? We, who live in the information and cable or satellite age. We can see and hear almost anything. But, have we really seen or heard anything at all?

Jesus heals on the Sabbath again, not to be contrary, but to be right with His Father. If no one will come when you invite them, then invite the misfits. The party God throws is for the misfits. Christ follows up His story with another dinner party. The people originally invited begged off so the hosts says go to the country side and "drag them in" he then sets the bar "I want my house full!" The Israelites were the original invited guest and now they were declining. It is God saying, "Go make disciples of all the nations." The gentiles are included, the misfits. God is a great host. "I want my house full" is a phrase we must grapple with because some believe Christianity should be like a secret society. Plus there should be a limit on membership. Don't tell anyone that Jesus saves, that could upset the balance and create a difficult situation so say the "holy huddle crowd."

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