Saturday, May 30, 2009

150 Saturday May 30, 2009

150 Isaiah 025 – 027; Luke 9.37 – 9.62

Sometimes it is good to just say something. You think it and you can even meditate on it, but say it out loud might just be the ticket. When you are alone in your car today, or going for a walk etc. say these words, "God, you are my God. I celebrate you. I praise you." If you have any musical ability, maybe you could sing it--make up a tune. In the middle of all the devastation God is still God. God is especially the God of the remnant. The remnants are those that have not bowed their knee to the other gods. God always has His people who have remained faithful. The land has been taken, the temple over run by the gentiles, but a day is coming when Jerusalem will be the city of salvation for everyone. Where it started is where it is returning. It is sequel two and it's going to be a doosey! In chapter 26 there is exhortation to sing and to throw open the gates so the true people can enter. Make no mistake about it there is a “people of God” and there are the opposing forces.

In Luke chapter 9 you find some tough words spoken by Jesus. It is a way to gain insight into how serious this business of life really is for those who have the life. What are we doing with the treasure that God has placed in us? Christ in you; the hope of glory. His life is to prioritize our life. There are good things we are suppose to give up so we can do the best things or just have time for doing the best things even better. He told that man not to go back and bury his father. If you follow Jesus it is about life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your daily support and encouragement. It helps to keep me focused!! This is lifechanging- to be reading each day. God has truly blessed me through this. To be frank- it has become a life-line.
    Our daughter bought a Bible at church last week and her small group in Indiana is now following along. Thanks so much for all you do to exhort us to follow hard after God. :)
