Thursday, April 23, 2009

113 Thursday, April 23, 2009

113 2 Samuel 014 – 016; 1 Corinthians 011

More bad news and it is not over for David. David has to leave Israel because Absalom, David's son is chasing him out of Jerusalem. It is hard to imagine the embarrassment, the hardship, and the disbelief that he must of been experiencing. David had kicked Absalom out of Jerusalem and Joab was able to convince David to let Absalom back in. Absalom then began plotting as to how to take over the kingdom. I believe this is all happening to fulfill the discipline of God upon David's life for his sin. However, there is an interesting historical note and that is Absalom came back but never talked with David. David and Absalom never had that awkward talk. I am not saying things would have changed if they would have talked. They should have talked since the relationship was already strained. They should have talked to make sure things were cleared up.

1 Cor. 11 is one of those chapters in the Bible that caused me to rethink the concept of the N.T. church, in this regard--which N.T. church do I want to pastor. Pastors will get together and say things like, "I just want to pastor a N.T. church." Sounds good until you start reading the N.T. and realize there were a lot of holes in some of those churches. Here in the Cor. church they are not sharing their food and they were getting drunk--at the Lord's supper. Wow! Let us pray that we be more like the Philippians. They were a pretty good church. Let us learn how not to do church from the Corinthians.

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