Sunday, February 22, 2009

053 Sunday, February 22, 2009

053 Numbers 15 – 17; Romans 4

A leadership moment is a time when no one else will do but the leader; the leader has to lead. Moses is opposed by the sons of Eliab. They believe Moses has failed as leader. This was their opinion not God's. Moses was very tranquil about the situation… not! "Moses' temper blazed white-hot." was Moses’ reaction. Moses asked God not to accept their grain offering.

God told Korah, one of those who opposed Moses along with Dathan and Abiram to appear before the Tent of Meeting. God then told Moses and Aaron along with all those not with the above mentioned names to back away from them. This, by the way, ranks up there with your surgeon saying oops while you're being operated on. The earth opened up and swallowed up all of those with these people. God acted through Moses to take care of those insolent men.

You would think the people learned their lesson, right? The next day they began grumbling that Moses and Aaron have killed God's people. A plague broke out and killed 14,700. If it had not been for Aaron making atonement for the people there would have been more killed.

We cannot make the correlation that someone who opposes a Christian leader today, that the earth will swallow them up. But notice the label of insolent and rebel that was put on those that were judged. Why is a leader of a church being opposed? That is the question that has to be asked and answered.

Aaron has a staff and the twelve leaders of the twelve tribes are to have staffs. The leadership baton is being passed on. God means business yesterday and today. God works through leaders and God still puts people in their place (read Acts). May God grace us to stay humble, stay grounded, and to always give God the glory.

In the book of Romans the issue is one of trust. Abraham believed and God counted it as righteousness. Today we believe in Christ and it is a done deal. Keep on believing and keep on trusting.

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