Saturday, February 7, 2009

038 Saturday, February 7, 2009

038 Leviticus 8 – 10; Hebrews 4.1 – 5.10

A little review for stimulation: Genesis is the book of beginnings as in, the creation account, the human race, and then the record of God stepping in to give the promise to Abraham--all the nations will be blessed through you. Genesis begins with, "In the beginning God..." and in the book of John these words are found "In the beginning there was the Word..." John does not give the account of Christ's birth as the other Gospel writers. John wants the record to show just how long Christ had been around. The theme for John is found in John 20:31 which states, " But these are written in order that you may believe that Christ is the Son of God, and that by believing you may have eternal life." John was writing to bring people to faith in Christ.

We now find ourselves in the book of Leviticus which underscores that God is holy. In the book of Hebrews it is argued with eloquence that Christ is better. Jesus Christ is a better priest, He is a better prophet, and yes, He is a better sacrifice. Jesus is better than any thing that came before him and is better that any thing that could come after him. Leviticus opens our eyes to the function of the priest, and the sacrifices they offered on behalf of God's people. What was happening in Leviticus was only a foreshadowing of what was to come in the real person of Jesus.

To illustrate that God meant business about His holiness and how to worship Him you have to go no further than pg. 189 where the par. is entitled Nadab and Abihu. How is this for a tombstone heading, "they died in God's presence."? It sounds great until you read the whole account that they offered "strange" fire to God. Fire from God then consumed them. Who were these renegade priests? Why they were none other than the sons of Aaron.

What is interesting is Moses talking to his sons. Nadab and Abihu were cousins to Moses sons but Moses says to them, ‘do not mourn them lest you die…’ and then Moses gave them more instructions. What happened? They did just as Moses said; Motivated!

God wants us to live and thrive in His presence. However, in some cases people die because of their disobedience. Choose this day to live in His presence. Invite His Spirit in to instruct you and to help you yield to His grace.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pastor,
    Thank You for taking the time to work with us. We may not always say much but we are there with you every day. I spoke to you in church and told you I don't have a lot of free time. The time I get I appreciate even more especially with learning about Gods work in the old and new testament. I look forward to my reading time every day. God Bless
