Tuesday, January 27, 2009

027 Tuesday, January 27, 2009

027 Exodus 18 – 20; John 17

When is enough, enough? Moses obviously did not know. Do you know your spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual limitations? The word ‘limit’ almost sends some people to the moon and back. Why? I think some of the problem is the hype over someone else's accomplishments and we think if they can so can I--and maybe you can-but! Yes, the ‘but’ is very important here because we can't always work in someone else's giftedness. Moses, I believ,e just plain forgot he was human--which is the other problem. Jethro, Moses' father-in-law said, “This is no way to go about it (judging issues for the people). You'll burn out, and the people right along with you.” Then Jethro gives a lesson in delegation, assignments, and selection of the right people.

“Now hear this, Moses.” Yes big Mo, the one, listened to his father-in-law, and followed the plan to a tee. A little collaboration back here in the O.T.

Are trying to do too much? Think of the different areas of your life. If you are trying to do too much in one, you are cheating something or someone in another. You don't know? Then go ask someone who will give some honest feedback. It could save your life.


  1. Pastor- Thank you for such a challenge. I will talk with my husband about this. Finding the balance is something we truly need. I see how God provided Aaron and Hur for Moses even to hold up his arms. So often I try to do it on my own. God bless!
    Chris :)
