Sunday, January 11, 2009

011 Sunday, January 11, 2009

011 Genesis 27 – 29; John 7.25 – 7.53
How is your bible reading going? Hint, do not get behind, but if you do speed read the parts you are have not read and move on. Remember in the end it's not getting through the bible in a year but getting the word of God in us for a whole year that will transform us.

More details and maybe not the kind we would like to know. God had told Rebekah that Esau would serve Jacob. So, what does that look like? Rebekah plots with her son Jacob in order to get the blessing. They lie and use deceit to obtain the blessing from Isaac. Probably not the best avenue to take but hindsight is 20/20.

Do you read this portion of Scripture and start plotting on how to use deceit in order to take over your company, etc? NO! However, it is another time the curtains are pulled back and we realize God uses people who are less than perfect. God uses people and as long as He sticks to that plan, you can rest assured that those He used back then, now, and in the future are less than perfect.

Good news…God can use you!!!!!!!!

On that last day of the feast, Jesus took His stand; "He cried out, 'if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way...' " Can Jesus fill a cracked pot--a less than perfect pot? Yes, and specializes in that venue.

Think today on how God has already used you. Write it down. Ask God to fill you so rivers of living water can spring forth from your inner most being.

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