Monday, June 29, 2009

180 Monday, June 29, 2009

180 Jeremiah 29.1 – 31.1; Acts 5.12 – 5.42

Hope. Hope is what we all need. ‘Hopeless’ is a depressing and morbid word. God says to Israel, "I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." The true Israelites, the followers of Yahweh, had to be feeling down about their situation. They are being carried away by a gentile nation. They have lost everything, yet God wants them to have hope, a future and a good one at that. In the next chapter the Lord lays out His plans in even more detail to help Israel to understand that good times are coming to them. God was not just giving them a vague hope but a real hope with some time lines. God gets the big picture and the details.

They all met regularly and in remarkable harmony. The believers were together and watching God work in and through them. They supported each other and were seeing others place their faith in Christ. Peter is called “on the carpet” by the authorities and he then utters those famous words, "It is better to obey God rather than man." The religious leaders wanted him to quit preaching about Jesus and he had once denied Christ, but not again--so bring it on.

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