Sunday, June 28, 2009

179 Sunday, June 28, 2009

179 Jeremiah 027 – 028; Acts 4.32 – 5.11

The church is message central. The church is to preach the good news, model the good news, and send people out that preach the good news. Jeremiah was “message central” to the people of Israel. Please notice how creative God is in telling Jeremiah to preach the message. Jeremiah is to go and put on a harness to embody the message of hooking up with Babylon. In the next chapter we witness the dueling prophets and the false breaks they harness to demonstrate his message. The other prophet was a false prophet because his words did not come true. The yoke of Babylon was not going to break in two years and therefore Israel would be safe. Jeremiah had to deliver very unpopular messages to Israel and its leaders and they resisted what he had to say. We must be like Jeremiah. Jeremiah kept on giving the message even though it was not well received by the people. We must be willing to be used in unusual ways--fools for God.

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