Sunday, February 1, 2009

032 Sunday, February 1, 2009

032 Exodus 32 – 34; John 20.1 – 20.18

Do you live by faith? Do you? Really now, do you live by faith and not by sight? Tough question to answer. Perhaps you would say that most of the time, or to be honest, I struggle in this area. I have heard some comment that in some areas, like finances, they live by faith, but would struggle with applying faith to raising their children.

Three times Israel had promised God that they would obey Him. Those times are recorded in Ex.19:8, 24:3, 7,and 20:19. Peter said, “I will never deny you Lord,” but he did three times. Notice how the scriptures start out, "When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in the coming down off the Mountain they rallied around Aaron and said, “Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us.”" In Ex.32:21,30-32, the Bible makes it clear that this was a great sin against God. Do you live by faith?

Moses, God's representative, was out of sight and after forty days they needed to see something. So, they made something to see. What do you look to, God, or _____________________,then you would have to fill in the blank.

God so yearns to reveal Himself to us and then, hopefully we will grow in our faith. Your prayer could be, “God manifest to me your presence and workings in this world. Amen.”

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