Tuesday, January 20, 2009

020 Tuesday, January 20, 2009

020 Exodus 1 – 2; John 12:36 – 12:50

A new king came to power who did not know Joseph; a signal that all is not well for the Joseph's people. The new king tried to work them to death but they prospered and multiplied.

The order came that all Hebrew newborn's are to be drowned in the Nile; this sets the scene for God's unusual ways to be revealed.

When they could no longer hide the Hebrew boy they made a floating basket and put the little baby in the basket in the Nile. Hence, Moses (drawn from the water) ends up being raised and trained in Pharaoh's court. Who finds the baby? Why yes, it was Pharaoh's daughter! His ways are not our ways.

Moses sees the pain of his people and ends up killing some Egyptians and has to escape. At the end of the chapter we read these words--"Their cries for relief from their hard labor ascended to God." Now who do think God is going to use?

Fast forward to John and Jesus speaking--" Their eyes are blinded, their hearts are hardened ..." Jesus is quoting the prophet Isaiah, who was speaking to Israel. Perhaps we could ponder how God over the years would hear Israel’s heart cry and then He would deliver them and they would be thankful for a while but then would turn away again from their God. A terrible habit perhaps the most toxic of all the habits of the heart.

God will hear our heart cries and will deliver us but may we stay on target and give Him thanks. Today thank God for hearing you and give Christ your heart once again.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best read!! Seriously- I am enjoying this version of the Bible! I wasn't sure about The Message- but is exciting!! I just bought a copy for my nephew who is a bright college kid ( with ADD!) looking for peace in all the world's places and can't wait to share it with him. Thanks for your notes- I have been so blessed.
